Saturday, February 12, 2011

20 Random Things about Izzatulisme

-Cubaan menbuat popping di belakang surau-
Surau SABDA 2010
Malam Kemuncak Kokurikulum

Selama ni kalau orang tanya aku soalan tipikal macam "Describe briefly about yourself". Selalunya aku akan tercengang sekejap. Atau soalan macam "Apa yang kau suka eyh?". Serius,aku memang tak reti nak menjawab soalan-soalan macam tu. Yela, tak ke besar benar skop soalan tu? Dan ada jugak orang pernah berkata aku ni suka simpan masalah sendiri. Dan ada jugak orang pernah kata aku ni hati kering a.k.a heartless. Macam-macam kan? Aku pun naik pelik je.

Jadi,aku pun terfikir nak buat entri ni. *bajet famous je! Sebab kadang-kadang tu banyak pasal aku yang orang tak tahu dan mungkin rasa pelik dan aneh. Walaupun aku tak adalah terkenal mana pun,takat makcik kantin dengan makcik cleaner sekolah aku je yang kenal dengan jiran sebelah rumah ni. Tapi aku saja nak bagi kau tahu sebelah lagi satu aku. Orang putih kata"The Other Side of Me". =D
Setelah di kepilkan bersama, inilah dia hasilnya :- *angkat-angkat kening

  1. She must listened to a sad song everyday right before she sleeps. Dah tepuk-tepuk bantal tu,dah golek-golek ambil mood nak tidur,aku wajib capai mp3 cabuk aku tu,dengar sekurang-kurangnya satu lagu sedih. (Ish ish..teruk gila. Dengar surah takpe jugak.)
  2. She must at least find a new word vocabulary for herself be it in English or Malay everyday. (Tapi kadang-kadang tu bukan ingat semua pun.)
  3. She never consumed any pineapple until she went to her boarding school. And she still remembers , it was on the lunch time,and the meal included pineapple. She finally had a first bite of pineapple when she was 16 years old! She just loves it up until today!
  4. She never changed her phone number and still using the same first number she bought when she was 13 years old. (Those who still have my number,so contact me okay?)
  5. Nobody ever said she is a silent person. (Would you mind to be the first? Heee~)
  6. She is not good in complimenting. (So please don't expect any compliment from me. I would do so if I really want to)
  7. She needs to think at least about a person she knew, the relationship going between her and that person,only then she is able to write a poem.
  8. She prefer to lock herself in a dark room when she is under stress.
  9. She never eats lemang up until today.(Okay,don't laugh over this one. I know you eat lemang.)
  10. She thinks of her teachers,school whenever she was about to sleep.
  11. She can be very grumpy. But when she faces someone grumpier,she could be switched into a very indescribable-patience-girl you can never imagine.
  12. She has never had any crush towards any celebrities. (hati kering)
  13. She was once an asthma victim.
  14. She never knew how to read even after she finished her kindergarten. And learned to do reading completely when she was 8 years old. The kindergarten was some kind of a trip to her.
  15. She can be having a bad fever even by sneezing from the smell of a cooking.
  16. She made a special folder contained all pictures of the guy she ever crushed on. Professional stalker.
  17. She dislikes caffeine VERY MUCH but can drinks packets of high-caffeine drink just for the sake of study. And she can never touch them again if it is not for studying purpose.
  18. The first time she stepped into karaoke place was 15 years old.
  19. She washes her hair everyday.
  20. She has been labeled as the Queen of Sarcasm for at least 2 times. =)

So those are things people might not know about me. Perhaps some of them you do know,don't you? This is totally a perfect element of randomness. A thing or two about me and I call them as "Izzatulisme". How about yours? Mind to share with me your randomness? Hee~


  1. tul, ade jgk rupenya yg aku tak tau psal kau. haha. aku pulak mmg tak suka gler nenas. tak pnah sntuh nenas kat dm. hebat tak? wink wink. :)

  2. dari number 1 aku baca aku dah tau dah banyak yang salah pasal kau dalam ni. lepas tepuk tepuk bantal,CAKAP NAMA AKU DULU. baru betul

  3. ana,heheh..tu lah. sbb itulah aku ckp the other side. ko x ske nenas? ok,itu aku dulu. haha

    ozzy, eheh. sebut nama kau itu wajib. tapi aku skip la kan. malu la org baca..hahaha


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