Sunday, December 6, 2009

Final Station

Friday - 20 Nov 2009

It was the last day of school. To be precise, the last day of school session for 2009. Not trying to be sentimental, but I can sense the sorrowness. It was like I am going to miss the school or accurately, my friends there. Be strong,heart! That morning, we entered the class just did nothing. As for me and Farah, we went to ask for the teacher's signature for Ko-kurikulum's form.

After we had done our things, I took steps to my beloved class. Most of them just walking around,laughing with their buddies and the vital one, make jokes on others. Well,it's the last day right? So,there's nothing much we did in the class. I can say it was some kind of last meeting with friends. Omo! Despite of these laughter, still I can't avoid the feeling that keep chasing me these past few days.

Around 10 o'clock, we were allowed to go back to the dorm. Final check on our things and dorm. According to the warden, we must leave the dorm just in the way when we first arrive. Everything was settled. So, I decided to spend some time for myself. Some space to talk with the mind. I sat alone by the "laluan" which is not far from the canteen. Precisely, by the drain side.

Staring at every side of the school wasn't a waste of time. The breezy day could really be understanding sometimes. Looking at how people spent their very last moment with the close friends ; I don't know. It was just too beautiful to be kept as a memory. Though it was only more or less than 6 months, I feel lucky to be placed among them. To know the other side of me that I've never seen. To face the fact that I've chosen this path by my own. To sense the feeling of what "experience is a good teacher" all about.

After all, that doesn't mean I will forget them who had make me this way before I know this school. I began to value the word of appreciation. Each time my heart beats, I realize that I shouldn't take anything for granted as we can never turn back time. The change of perspective isn't what I've always imagined before.

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